
Tengwar Russian mode

Tengwar mode for Russian language

Russian version

Tengwar is a writing invented by JRR Tolkien for the languages of Middle-earth. Elf Fëanor invented Tengwar for writing Quenya language, Telerin and Valarin. Many other languages of Middle-earth have used Tengwar too, including Sindarin language. Here is the description of Russian mode of Tengwar.

Tengwar consonants

Tengwar consonants, Russian mode
Table 1. Tengwar consonants, Russian mode.
Click the picture to enlarge.

You can see in the Table 1 a list of Tengwar consonants in the left with their Russian meaning in the right. A row in the bottom contains additional characters for specific Russian letters.

Tengwar vowels

Tengwar vowels, Russian mode
Table 2. Tengwar vowels, Russian mode

Russian letters «е» and «э» are written as one Tengwar character in the middle of the words or in the end of the words. There is no need to determine them in that position.

Tengwar: Vowel example
Table 3. Vowel example

Tengwar: Initial vowels
Table 4. Initial vowels

Tengwar: Yotified vowels
Table 5. Yotified vowels

Tengwar: Russian vowel yeru example
Table 6. Russian vowel "yeru" example

Hard sign, soft sign and the apostrophe

There is two signs in Russian language - a hard sign «ъ» and a soft sign «ь». There is the apostrophe sign in Ukrainian language - «'». See Table 8.

Tengwar: Hard sign, soft sign and apostrophe examples
Table 7. Hard sign, soft sign and apostrophe examples.

Tengwar: Russian letters Ц and Щ examples
Table 8. Russian letters Ц and Щ examples

Tengwar fonts

I'm using a Tengwar Annatar font. Another compatible fonts are: Tengwar Quenya, Tengwar Formal and Tengwar Parmaite.

  • Soft sign keyboard combinations: Alt+0204, Alt+0205, Alt+0206, Alt+0207, Alt+0180;
  • Exclamation sign: Alt+0193;
  • Question sign: Alt+0192;
  • Numbers from 0 to 11: Alt+0240 — Alt+0251.


You can contact me, if you want to discuss Tengwar Russian mode.

Tengwar Links.

Author: amdf
Date: 20.01.2011

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